"The Bittersoundfase"

_The Bittersoundfase often gets labeled as a band or a group of members. The reality is that The Bittersoundfase is really more like a solo project. Almost all of the music & lyrics are written & recorded by a long time all around musician/drummer & songwriter by the name of RF (aka) Rick Freimuth. Along with occasional guest musicians (Dan Quimby, James Freimuth, Ronn Chick, Burke Harris, Parker Mann and lyricist Sarah Hilsen) just to name a few, RF has been spending the last ten years writing, producing and recording almost all of the different individual parts (drums, guitars, lead & backing vocals, keyboards, strings, cellos and all other various special effects) you hear within all of The Bittersoundfase's albums. After spending years with capricious musicians, RF decided to put together this fine collection of music all on his own. Keep your eyes open and your ears tuned in to various streaming Internet and intercom radio stations for The Bittersoundfase.